Red Oaks - Y5

Welcome to Y5 Red Oaks

Our teachers are Mrs. James and Mrs. Law. We are supported by Mrs. Pollard and Mrs. Dicker.

We believe that working cooperatively with others is the key to learning. We always aim high but also know that making mistakes is sometimes the best way to move forward. Our class environment is one that promotes fun, kindness and team spirit and we like nothing more than a challenge. 

What are we learning?
Below you can find an overview of our learning for the whole year and also more detail for each term and the sequence which we will follow to help build our knowledge in each subject.
We use our Knowledge Organisers to help us identify key information, that we need to know and remember.
Autumn Term 1 Learning
In the first half of the Autumn term, most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, 'Circle of Life' - Living things and their habitats and animals, including humans. 
Autumn Term 2 Learning
In the second half of the Autumn term, our main curriculum driver is history and we will be exploring the question 'What did the Anglo-Saxons change in Britain?'. During this term, we will take part in a whole school history day with the main focus being chronology. We will dress up as Anglo-Saxons and develop an understanding of the significance they have in British history. 
Spring Term 1 Learning
This term, our learning is driven by Geography and the theme, 'How do volcanic eruptions and earthquakes affect humans and the Earth?'. We will learn about the movement of the tectonic plates and how these plates cause natural disasters. We will also be exploring chemical reactions in science.
Spring Term 2 Learning
In the second half of Spring term, most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, 'Why leave Earth?'. We will be exploring how the Sun, Moon and Earth all move in relation to each other in the solar-system and how the movement of the Sun affects our shadows. 
Summer Term 1 Learning
In the first part of our Summer term, our learning is driven by Geography where we will be focusing on the question 'How did trade get Global?'. We will be exploring what trade is, where our food comes from and how trading connects us to lots of different countries. We will also be investigating how different forces work in our Physics lessons, completing a range of experiments and creating lines of enquiry. 
Summer Term 2 Learning
In the second part of our Summer term, our learning will be based on History. We will focus on the key question, Who were the Maya and why should we remember them? We will explore how the Maya were able to grow so strong, what life was like in the Maya civilisation and try to figure out what caused the Maya empire to decline. 


Reading - Children should read at home for at least 25 minutes daily (building up to 30 minutes towards the end of the year) as part of their homework. Children on AR will be able to quiz and change their books at least 3 times per week.

Spelling - Spellings will be set on a Friday and quizzed the following Friday (please access Spelling Shed for your child's weekly spellings). Spelling Shed is part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least three or four times a week

Number fluency - Numbots and TTRockstars are part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least three or four times a week. 

Wider curriculum - each half term there are also a choice of additional home learning opportunities for children to engage with, as outlined in our 'Leap into Learning' document. 


This half-term we will have PE on a MONDAY and FRIDAY. On both of these days, please come to school wearing your school PE kit with a school jumper.