Young Oaks - Y3

Welcome to Year 3

We are the Young Oaks class. We are brilliant because we spend our time learning and growing together as a team bringing enthusiasm to every element of our day. 

This year Miss O'Callaghan will be your Year 3 class teacher.

We have a wonderful team in our class this year, and will be supported by Mrs Davis and Miss Daw.

We are all so excited to have you in Year 3 and can't wait to learn with you this year. 

What Are We Learning?
Below you can find an overview of our learning for the whole year and also more detail for each term and the sequence which we will follow to help build our knowledge in each subject.
We use our Knowledge Organisers to help us identify key information that we need to know and remember.
Autumn Term 1 Learning 
In the first half of the Autumn term, most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, 'What's inside us' - focusing on our brilliant bodies, including how our muscles work and a look into healthy eating.
Autumn Term 2 Learning 
In the second half of the Autumn term, our main curriculum driver is history and we will be exploring the question 'How did life change from The Stone Age to Iron Age?'. With a main focus on chronology, we will go back in history to where it all began, and understand how much life has changed, and the impact this has had on the three periods, Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. 
Spring Term 1 Learning 
This term, our learning is driven by Geography and the theme, 'What on earth is a climate zone?'. We will learn about the five different climate zones around the world and their relationship with the equator. We will finalise our amazing learning with a trip to the Eden Project to explore the tropical biome. 
Spring Term 2 Learning 
In the second half of Spring term, most of our learning is driven by science and the theme, 'Rocks and Fossils'. We will be exploring the three main natural occurring rocks and how rocks can be grouped and classified by their properties. We will also be discussing the extraordinary work by Mary Anning, and her contribution to the discovery of fossils. 
Summer Term 1 Learning 
In the first part of our Summer term, our learning is driven by Geography where we will be focusing on the question 'What is life like in Rio and South East Brazil?'. We will be exploring where South America is in the world, what countries are in South America and how it is similar and different to our country. We will also be biologist in science unpicking the functions of a plant and what part plants play in the life cycle. 
Summer Term 2 Learning 
In the second part of our Summer term, our learning will be based on History. We will focus on the key question, How much did the Ancient Egyptians achieve? We will explore many inventions that Egyptians created that we still use today, such as toothpaste and ink. We will also discuss their social pyramid, understanding that Pharaohs ruled the land, and the importance of mummification for afterlife. We will also be scientists in physics this term, learning about the importance of light, and how this creates reflections and shadows. 
This term we will have PE on a Monday and Friday. On both of these days, please come to school wearing your school PE kit with a school jumper. 
If you have any queries please contact Miss O'Callaghan with the email address above.

Reading - Children should read at home for at least 20 minutes daily (building up to 30 minutes towards the end of the year) as part of their homework. Children on AR will be able to quiz and change their books at least 3 times per week.

Spelling -  Spellings will be set on a Monday and quizzed the following Friday. Please access Spelling Shed for your child's weekly spellings.

Number fluency - A times table focus is set each week and rehearsed daily in school.

Numbots is also part of our home learning and we ask that children log in at home and play for 10 minutes at least once or twice a week. Teachers will monitor each child's time played, current level and correct answers. Certificates will be printed weekly for achievements in these maths games. Children will be introduced to TTRockstars later on in the year. 

Wider curriculum - each half term there are also a choice of additional home learning opportunities for children to engage with, as outlined in our 'Leap into Learning' document.